By the time we woke up on our second full day in Bocas del Toro, the kids had not surfed in over a week and they were really excited to surf again, so we decided to scratch that itch for them and take them surfing in Bocas. Bocas Town itself does not have any surfing spots, so we had the choice to either catch a cab up the island and get dropped off at a beach, or hire a water taxi to take us somewhere. We decided that we’d rather go on a boat, so we hired a boat (and surf instructor) from Buga Surf and Dive shop to take us out.

It was not a super pretty day, overcast the entire time and it actually rained on and off during surfing and on the way home. Our surf instructor/ captain (Jose) got us all situated in the tiny boat and we were off. We had to get gas before we headed out, so he drove across the bay to another island to the “gas station”. The gas station had a line, so he opted to go to a different station.

We pulled into the gas station and it was literally a worn down dock attached to a home. There was virtually no sign that this was a gas station other than a sun faded sign that said “Gasolina” in spray paint that must have been painted at least a year ago and was virtually unreadable. That and the smell of gas. When we arrived, no one greeted us. Jose whistled a few times and yelled “Gasolina!” a few times and after about 5 minutes, a little boy came out with his dad and they started to get us gas. There were no pumps, just big jugs of gas in a closet, so they took our tank from the boat, put a funnel in it and then poured gas into the funnel, trying not to spill too much..
When it was all done, they settled the bill, but I have no idea how they possibly knew how much they sold us, and we were off.
Wizards beach was not too far away, maybe 20 minutes by boat. We anchored out off shore, just outside of the furthest break and hopped in the water. Erin, Ben, Jacob and Jose headed to the breaks, and Abby and I headed to the shore. Abby was on a boogey board and I just swam.
Wizards was totally abandoned and very beautiful. I can imagine that it is stunning on a clear sky day, because it was even beautiful on a mediocre cloudy day.

Not a whole lot more to say about the day to be honest. Kids and Erin surfed, Abby and I build some sand castles, boogey boarded and played on the beach. When our time was up, we all paddled back out to the boat (which is not very much fun..) and headed back to the town. We had a little rain on the way home, but overall it was a great day.