After arriving home from the amusement park at Tibidabo, we dropped the kids off with a sitter and headed into Barcelona for an adult night on the town. Our first stop was to the Le Meridien hotel to have drinks with some friends of ours that happened to be traveling through Barcelona that evening. OurKeep Reading!

When I took spanish in High School, I really didn’t learn a whole lot.. It was my fault, I didn’t really care at the time, I was taking the class because I had to have language credit. I wish I had paid more attention and learned more, but like so many things from my youth,Keep Reading!

Arriving in Barcelona after Costa Rica was a welcome shock to our systems. We left our sleepy surfing town on a tuesday morning, and by wednesday evening we had traveled through 5 countries and landed in Barcelona, Spain. We were greeted with open arms by our friends from Colorado (now living in Spain) David andKeep Reading!

It’s been a little while since I’ve written anything, life has been in a whirlwind for the last 9 days. We have been on some great adventures, seen a lot of things and spent time with some very dear friends along the way. It all started with leaving Costa Rica. We spent a few daysKeep Reading!