We are off to Nicaragua at 4 am tomorrow morning. This marks the official half way mark of our “set time” in Tamarindo.
Reflections thus far…
It’s gone by WAY too fast. It’s going by way too fast. I just want time to pause for a second. Wow, the greatest gift I have received thus far is the immense amount of time with my family. The kids, 5, 7 and 9 are incredibly flexible, open, aware and changing before our very eyes. We are not experiencing the intense “needs” of toddlerhood/preschool, or the fierce independence of pre-adolescence and beyond. It is a true sweet spot in parenting.
They/we have learned some Spanish and how to surf. We have made sure they are doing a little reading, writing and ‘rithmetic along the way, but all that aside, they/we have learned how to walk through daily life together.
There are moments I wonder and worry about what they are missing at school. Will they know their math facts/spelling/piano/gymnastics/friends????… the list goes on. But existing as a family unit, walking through daily life, feels like a unique education unto itself.
I watch them watch us, as we try to make sense of a new world. The stories that come out of that alone… the discomfort, the muddling around, the messing it up. We are on equal ground right now. Not one of us knows much more than the other. We are truly connected in a unique time and space.